Justin Moore

Software/Web Developer

My Github

My Programming Skills


Using C# as my main programming language, I've created numerous web, console, API, and game applications for business and for myself. I've used ASP.NET, .NET Core, MVC 4 and 5, LINQ, Entity Framework, Selenium, Unity and NUnit among others


I've worked professionally with the Knockout and Vue frameworks, as well as jQuery and Bootstrap. I pair JavaScript with HTML and CSS, and Photoshop and vector art to bring my designs to life


I've used SQL professionally in each role I've worked. I've created stored procedures and intricate queries to meet business needs

Version Control, CI/CD

In my work I've utilized Git, GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps, Jenkins, and Octopus. Ive used TFS, Jira, Trello, and GitHub Projects in team environments, while adhering to Agile principles. I've also taught new developers the basics of source control


I created a containerized solution for our CI/CD pipeline that lowered test/build times by two-thirds


I created two automation programs that are currently saving the company I work for roughly $6300 per year


I'm an AWS Certified Developer Associate, and am currently working on cross-training in Azure. I've hosted websites in AWS using S3, Route 53, ACM, and CloudFront, and am building an app to play mp3 files using lambda and API Gateway


I've created integration solutions for both SOAP and REST APIs, and manufactured backend APIs to serve a cloud infrastructure project

Project Highlights

L&I Upload Automation

I used C# and Selenium to create an automation program for tradesman continuation education completions in Washington State. This program will save my company $6300 per year in perpetuity.

See code here

Dnd Magic Library

This application makes use of a public API to display spell data for Dungeons and Dragons in a user-friendly way, saving the user time time on a level up. The user can see all new available spells and can click for details, instead of flipping back and forth in the Player's Handbook

See it here!

Other projects and code available on my Github


New York, NY


+1 (206) 751-8077